Sunday, November 15, 2009

Fish and Chips

Today I sat on the beach, ate fresh grilled 'kingfish', and drank watermelon juice. I swam. Then I spilled some watermelon juice on myself, because I'm a slob. In order to clean the juice off, I went for another swim.
Then, I had steak for dinner. Goa is one of the few places in India where one can eat beef. It was magnificent.

Brits are xenophobes.
Actually, most tourists are xenophobes. They also all love stereotypes. All tourists are stereotyping xenophobes.

I'm still contemplating the ephemerality of life. I took a 30 hour train from Jaipur to Goa from the 13th to 14th. The same train, from the 14th-15th, derailed, killing 9 people.
India near-death count: 2

Before Jaipur, I was in Pushkar, and as any good tourist would, I made sure to really experience Pushkar culture.

Pushkar is strange, in that alcohol is illegal (although available if requested in a hushed tone), conversely, marijuana is legal (hence the abundance of Israelis). Eggs are also illegal (although available in most restaurants), and hummus and pita seem to be the dish that most restaurants pride themselves for.

I've been in India for almost 2 months, and I still can't deal with this:

Knowing the child mortality rate of India is frightening. A child could be begging me (or anyone) for food on any day, and the next could die. What difference does this child have from any child in any circumstance anywhere? Too much, in existence, seems allocated to luck. And I was upset about my medium-rare steak being overcooked.


  1. way to stereotype that all tourists are stereotyping xenophobes.

  2. i was going to write that i was being ironic, but decided that I was being clear enough. Funny, right?

  3. Dude, maybe death is chasing you.

    Don't come home too soon, it might follow you here.

  4. Orad's a douche lol :P

    Your blogging is frakking amazing dude. U r the shits! (Just don't get them [the shits] in India, as that could be near death count 3, in a very unpleasant way...)

  5. bTW, some people who haven't read all your posts may want to know what the reference to near death count is about, so linking to the kashmir stuff might be a good idea..

